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Monday, March 9, 2009

Redbox FREE Monday

Get a free rental at Redbox with the code F3T9L6, Monday, March 9th only.

Renting at Redbox is easy, and there is a free rental code every Monday. PLUS, in March, there are free rental codes on Wednesdays as well! They have new releases and have now started stocking some older movies (like Steel Magnolias--one of my favorites!) as well. You can search online for the movies at your local Redbox and you can reserve them online as well, but I've heard you can't use the free rental code in that case. It's still only $1, though, so not a bad deal!

Last Wednesday I took the free rental code to my local Walgreens to get High School Musical 3. A lady asked if she could watch how the process worked since she had never done it before, so I told her about the free rental codes. After I was finished, another couple went up to the Redbox so I asked them if they knew about the free rental code. They didn't, so I handed over the code. They thanked me and I said with a smile, "hey, if I can help someone save one dollar, great!"

I get my weekly codes from Tara at Deal Seeking Mom. If you are interested in me posting them each week, please leave a comment. If there's interest, I don't mind posting them every Monday (and Wednesday in March). If I can help someone save a dollar, I'll do it! :-)


Megan said... 1

I love reading and taking advantage of your deals! I check your blog weekly.

I would like to know the weekly Red Box code. Who doesn't love Red Box!

Also, i'm checking out the diaper deal today! That's incredible!

Thanks for doing all the homework!

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