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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Family Taco Night and a Giveaway!

My Blog Spark invited us to participate in "El Tacodor", a family fun taco night. Since tacos are something everyone in our family actually eats, and I'm all about family meal times, I jumped at the chance! They provided us with coupons for Old El Paso taco fixings, a $10 gift card, and a game called "El Tacodor" to be played while we enjoyed our meal together. I wasn't sure how it would go since our girls are still young, but we had a blast! H was the scorekeeper.

Here are some fun pictures of a couple of the challenges. H and G are doing "You Crack Me Up", where they had to hold a taco chip in their mouth and sing the alphabet song without breaking them. M did this challenge as well, and they all succeeded. Ted and I were pleasantly surprised that there were many challenges that the three big girls could participate in.

G and I did another challenge called "Hot and Cold", where we were trying to tell H where something was in the room by shivering when she was far away, or fanning ourselves when she got closer to the object. F didn't do any challenges, but she did enjoy her taco and had fun watching the rest of us!

We had fun playing the game with the girls, and decided that we would keep it on hand to do again sometime. A lot of the games would also be fun icebreakers for group events. Thank you SO much to My Blog Spark for this fun family opportunity!Would you like to win an "El Tacodor" prize pack? My Blog Spark has generously offered to give a prize pack to a Mom For Him reader! The prize package will include two Old El Paso free product coupons, a $10 gift card, and an El Tacodor game, just like we received. There are multiple ways to enter, but I have to have a way to contact you by email if you win, so make sure it is either in your comment or in your profile. How to enter:

  1. Leave a comment telling me something you do with your family to make sure mealtimes are special.
  2. Leave another comment if you are a subscriber by email or by RSS feed.
  3. Leave another comment if you are a Google follower.
  4. Leave another comment if my button is on your blog's sidebar, or if my blog is listed on your blogroll. Leave your blog's address so I can visit you! :-)
This giveaway will end on November 23, when I will pick a winner using I will contact the winner by email to get their address, which I will pass along to My Blog Spark so they can mail out your prize.


Nancy said... 1

To make sure meal times are special, we chat about what we did and experienced that day! We hear everyone's news.

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

Nancy said... 2

I am an e-mail subscriber.

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

Nancy said... 3

I follow via Google Friend.

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

Anonymous said... 4

When my kids were younger-they are 19 and 21 years old (and I still will do it if I know they both will be home) I would make Valentine's Day special for our family. I would get out the "good" china, wine glasses (although I don't serve wine) and I make a heart-shaped meatloaf with ketchup on top. The meal usually includes a red drink (kool-aid, sparkling cider) and a special dessert to top it off. My kids still bring up Valentine's Day as their favorite!

Because I now have a 11 month old granddaughter who currently lives with us, I will begin to do more "specialty" meals for her.

Karen V

Christi said... 5

We like to take turns telling our highlights of the day and our "lowlights" too. It's a great way to share both positive thoughts and also to hash out things that might be upsetting us (ie..."so and so didn't want to play with me today at recess").
It's a good conversation starter!

The taco game sounds fun too!

Anonymous said... 6

I'm an e-mail subscriber.

Mommy Petersen said... 7

I heart Family Meal Night. Sometimes it's so hard to get to the dinner table after a long day of work, but it's always worth it. Conversation is so much better around the table than around the tv. We make it special by giving my pre-schooler special jobs to do...set the table, mix the salads, etc. She always is so excited to help and has such pride when daddy says she likes what she made for him.

Mommy Petersen said... 8

I'm a Google Follower. :)

Unknown said... 9

We take turns saying grace every night.

Anonymous said... 10

I'm an email subscriber!

Karen V

DramaMama said... 11

Sometimes I get frazzled by family meal time. I know it's important and want to encourage it. But sometimes the girls get too squirrly and I feel like I have to referee the whole time just to get them to eat or stop talking long enough to eat.
BUT we do sit down together to have a meal. My favorite family meal is breakfast at dinnertime. It's comforting and warm and really seems to make a difference at the dinner table.

DramaMama said... 12

I subscribe by e-mail!

DramaMama said... 13

I am a Google follower.

DramaMama said... 14

You are in my blog roll.

Together We Save said... 15

I am a follower via google.

Together We Save said... 16

Family meal time means sitting down together talking about our day. The kitchen is our hub so we spend altoof time together .

Courtney said... 17

My daughter is not yet talking, but we love to talk to her and sing silly songs at dinner time.

Angela said... 18

I try to make sure we are all present at meal time, that's the #1 way we try to make it special. :)

Angela said... 19

I'm a subscriber. ;)

Angela said... 20

We don't take dinner for granted since with schedules we just can't be together every night. So we sit and talk about what people had exciting that day--no complaining. Everyone gets a turn.

Pat said... 21

We like to talk about our day. What was the best thing that happened to us.
pkildow at gmail dot com

Christine said... 22

My husband has a job that has him on the road at odd hours(railroad employee) so "family meal time" isn't nearly often enough but when we do get to enjoy our family time together on his days off at dinnertime we all share in the preparation of the meal so that we can enjoy each others company.


Anonymous said... 23

I now have your blog on my tool bar! Love your ideas and you've inspired me to do couponing! Thanks!

Jessica said... 24

My son is an adventurous eater so we always offer something new to him at dinner.

TJ said... 25

We discuss our day to make sure everyone gets a chance to talk and spend time together.

Cindy J said... 26

Everyone helps in the meal preparation, whether it's acutal food prep, licking a bowl or setting the table.

Coupon Teacher said... 27

We sit down and discuss the day. It is time to enjoy each other.

Amy from GrinningCheektoCheek said... 28

We just like to chat at dinner - keeping up with each others lives :)

Amy from GrinningCheektoCheek said... 29

i subscribe to your blog by email

Amy from GrinningCheektoCheek said... 30

also follow you on google

emichh4 said... 31

my family talks about our day

emichh4 said... 32

i subscribed by email

emichh4 said... 33

i'm a google follower

emichh4 said... 34

blog is in my blogroll on the sidebar

Jay said... 35

I think it is special that we have dinner together with the TV off.

Amanda said... 36

We sometimes make meals special by using fancy plates or soup mugs. Also, the kids drink juice from plastic wine glasses.

Dolphin Girl said... 37

We actually eat together as a family and we don't turn on the TV or answer the phone, so that we can talk about our day.

Richelle said... 38

This may sound silly, but my mom always had us sit in the kitchen and have a family meal. It was always a nice home cooked meal and well balanced with fruit and veggies, etc. And we always thought it was extra special because she always lit a candle and put it in the center. We would take turns blowing it out. You now silly kids....have to blow out the candle. So I always have a candle lit on the table. Makes it special. :)

Richelle said... 39

I subscribe via email :)

Richelle said... 40

I follow :)

Steph said... 41

We always hold hands and pray together before we eat.


Anonymous said... 42

I like to make special desserts! scg00387 at yahoo dot com

efran said... 43

It is just me, my husband and our 1 year old con. To make meals special, we make sure we all sit down together and say our meal time prayer together. My son just started to repeat Amen, although it comes out "A-bed."

erinflindner (at) gmail (dot) com

NikkiMomma said... 44

We all work together to prepare the meal and before we eat it, we do something our 6 yr old came up with. She calls it "the hands-in blessing". We all stack our hands in the center of the table, pray, and as amen is said, we raise up our hands. Like a team in a huddle before the game!

Saving Moms Money - Melissa said... 45

We never get to eat together because of my husbands job, but when we do we just talk about our days and try to get our picky toddler to eat lol!

Krista, Bill, Eliya & Logan Kurtzweil said... 46

I get your updates via e-mail. We don't have a lot of meal times together because my husband works 2nd shift, but we LOVE taco nights! Usually my husband will prepare the tacos.


Anonymous said... 47

We like to have make your own pizza nights. Its something fun that both my little girls can do and really enjoy! Thanks!
thegood3 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 48

eating all at the same time is what we do to make dinner special!


Unknown said... 49

im a google follower


Unknown said... 50

im a subscriber via email


Anonymous said... 51

To make dinner special at our home, everyone helps prepare. Everyone has a job, & then compliments flow! Appreciation is a good thing! Thanks! Paula

Anonymous said... 52

Once a week we eat at the formal dining room table and eat by candlelight.

Kathryn said... 53

Just sitting down together is nice and we always make a point to talk about our days. Thanks for the giveaway!

Laura said... 54

We always pray together before dinner, and in the winter months, we like to lights some unscented candles. It almost compensates for the missing sunlight!

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