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Friday, September 19, 2008

What's for breakfast??

Okay, so the last thing I needed was more cereal, BUT.....

This week I went shopping and got PAID to buy cereal and milk. One of our local grocery stores frequently runs a deal where you buy 6 boxes of cereal for regular price, then you get $10 off your order and a coupon for $4 off milk. This grocery store also doubles up to 5 coupons per $25 order on Wednesdays. So I save up my cereal coupons and wait for the right moment to strike....

Cocoa Puffs...$2.99 (.75 coupon, doubled)
Multi-Grain Cheerios...$3.39 (.75 coupon, doubled)
Oatmeal Crisp...$3.89 (.75 coupon, doubled)
Cheerios...$2.99 x 2 = $5.98 (2 $1 coupons from Cheerios Challenge, both doubled)
Big box Cheerios...$4.09 (free box from Cheerios Challenge I blogged about here)

The .75 coupons are all internet printables. You can still join the Cheerios Challenge and get the $1 coupons, but the free ones are probably gone by now.

Subtotal: $20.34
Minus $10.00 = $10.34
Minus $12.59 in coupons = $-2.25!
PLUS I got a coupon for $4 off milk, which bought almost 2 gallons!

On my way home I was thinking now all I have to do is come up with a dinner recipe for Cheerios! Ted suggested I make Cheerios Bars (like Rice Krispie bars, but with Cheerios) -- though not for dinner, of course! So I'll have to take the $$ I saved and go buy some marshmallows... Anyone else have some creative ideas for all this cereal?

Needless to say, some of it is getting donated! I can stockpile, but I can't eat THAT much cereal! (At least not before it goes on sale again....!!) ;-)


Unknown said... 1

Wow. Instead of four little girls you look like you have five teenage boys with all that cereal. Ideas for it? If you guys ever go to parks with ducks or birds, your girls could feed them cheerios. Art projects! String them on as beads, paint them, instant (, rather fragile) necklaces! Glue them to paper for collages. And here's a site with a lot of good ideas for extra cheerios:

This includes a recipe for cheerio coated chicken!


Jessica-MomForHim said... 2

WOW, great Kerri! Thanks for the awesome tips, and even a dinner recipe! You rock!! :-)

Shari said... 3

Yowzers!!! What a great deal!

Sparks said... 4

You go girl!!! :) by Lana

Connie said... 5

Ok, here is an idea I love. I am not a coupon, bargin deal person. I love deals, but my brain doesn't do this as well as you or my other friend who also gets paid to shop. I stand in awe of women like you. My other friend gets the deals then she sells them to me!!!! I still get it cheaper than in the store and she makes a little money too!!!! This is great for me, because I hate shopping. If you need someone to take some of those cherrios off your hands let me know.

Jessica-MomForHim said... 6

Linda said:
"Holy cow! Look at all that cereal!

I need you to come and show me how to do all this. I am amazed! And then the Walgreen shopping and the Kotex deals! WOW! How do you do it??"

Jennifer said... 7

This totally amazes me! I really need to start watching the sales and coupons. I was just thinking today I'd like to try and make some sweet and salty mix with cereal and nuts and maybe m&m's. I don't have a recipe but you could make up some Chex Mix with whatever kind of cereal you have.

Connie said... 8

Ok, my husband thinks I should at least try this, so I need to know what store gives you the $10 off.

Stephanie said... 9

Wow!! What an awesome deal!

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