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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Nurse Mom

Similasan and JuiceBoxJungle sponsored me to write this post, and they asked me to talk about the things I've missed because of kid illnesses, and to mention their contest.
It's great being a mom when life is all smiles and laughter, but what about when they are sick? Someone has to play nurse, and usually stay-at-home moms are it. I love being a stay-at-home mom, but there have been numerous times I've been bummed out about having to stay home with sick kids, like when I've had to miss Women's Bible Study, MOPS, our couple's small group, playdates, or church due to someone's illness. You know you need to keep your kids home, but it's hard to give up some adult time away or time for spiritual growth to stay home and wipe noses or clean up throw-up. Ted has taken his turn missing out on things, too, (like small group or church--or even work if I am the one who is sick!) so I'm not shouldering the "nurse" role alone. It's nice to be able to catch the sermon online during the week if we missed it, but the biggest way to handle the disappointment is just realizing that this is our primary job, a job we've been blessed with by the Lord, and when we are caring for a sick child (or spouse!), we are showing God's love to them.

It's always great when a child is healthy again and is back to running in circles! Then you just hope your next child doesn't get it. :-) Similasan and Shutterfly are running a contest for a $500 gift card. All you have to do to enter is go here and upload pictures of your adorable, smiling children (not when they are sick)! You can enter as many photos as you like between now and March 28. You can also print a coupon for $1 off a Similasan product.


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