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Monday, June 29, 2009

Rebate for Huggies

Did you know you can get money back for buying Huggies diapers? It's true!

It's been awhile since I've mentioned The Caregivers Marketplace, and since I might have some new readers I thought I'd better mention it again. I scrounged around for diaper receipts last year after I heard about this program. I sent them in and got a check for $26 back! Save your Huggies receipts and submit for $0.75 back per jumbo pack. They give rebates for other items, too, like Nature Made vitamins, Cottonelle flushable wipes, Pull-Ups, Glucerna, and more! So far I have receipts for 20 packs bought this year. You can send in more than once a year, but you need to have a minimum of $5 rebate in order to send in for a check. Yay for money back on diapers! :-)


Michelle said... 1

I just signed up for this but can't find Huggies on the product list??

Jessica-MomForHim said... 2

I just posted about this today.

You can send in Huggies receipts for 2009, but Huggies is not included on the 2010 forms. If you have receipts from 2009, download the 2009 form and send them in by 1/31/10 for a rebate of $0.75 per pack.

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