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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Overheard: I Love You

I overheard this conversation between M (4.5 years) and F (2.5 years) as they were eating a snack:

M: F, I love you.
F: I love you too, M.
M: F, I love you more than my birthday.
F: M, I love you more than the rooftop.
M: I love you more than the moon.
F: I love you more than the sky.

(this sweet conversation continues back and forth a few more times, then evolves. . .)

F: M, I am going to go to the bathroom. Don't eat my cereal, okay?
M: Okay, I won't.
F: Make sure you don't eat it, okay?
M: I know, I won't.
F: I'm just gonna go to the bathroom and then I'll be back, so don't eat my cereal M, okay?
M: Okay! Okay! Just go, I'm tired of hearing you talking!

Ahhh, feel the love!


Mommy Petersen said...

Ahhh...I love it!
So cute!

Angel said...

Love it! Thanks for the giggle! God has certainly blessed you immeasurably!

Amber said...

Your girls are so precious, thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Ah, sisters.

It does beg the question though, of how much F loves the rooftop. I wasn't aware you let your kids up there. ;)


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