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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Shoeboxes for OCC

Every year our family loves putting together shoeboxes to send to other countries through Operation Christmas Child. It's a great way for our kids to learn about reaching out to other countries and sharing with others who have less than they do.

One item we put in our boxes were some free Buddies soaps! They are normally priced at about .97 at Walmart. Print this $1/1 Johnson’s buddies printable coupon twice to get 2 free Buddies soaps! Even if you printed this coupon before, it has been reset and I was able to print off 2 more that don't expire until Christmas. (I had to print it in Explorer, Firefox didn't work.)

It's fun filling the boxes with other things, too, like a toothbrush and toothpaste, socks, a necklace, little stuffed animals, stickers, markers, crayons, paper, and other things. As we pack the boxes, our girls ask who will get it? What's her name? Where does she live? While we don't know the answers to these questions, we can pray for the little girls who will be blessed by these gifts and hope that they will come to know Jesus as their Savior as a result of them.


Carrie said... 1

For the midget's first b-day, I got a bunch of free buddies to put in the gift bags!

The shoeboxes are a great idea! I will put it in my favorites and do it next year!

Thanks for stopping by my blog and entering the giveaway! Stop back by anytime!

Anonymous said... 2

I challenged all the kids in my Sunday school class to do this, so I thought I'd join the fun and see if Ella would get into it.
We started collecting things and wrapping it up and her questions are endless but so cute: "Jesus birthday so 'we' get presents? Only me get presents on mines birthday right?" "Can we take this to the girl?""I put in mail box?" Of course I had sneaky sticky finger sydrome happen a few times and I stumble across items from the box laying in her toy collection!
I think she might be a little young to really get it, but none the less this is definitely an awesome tradition I'm glad we started! I'm really grateful we have such a great kids' program with so many great opportunities for them!

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